Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tonight: FUTURE SHORTS > Global Pop-Up Short Film Festival > @viatraffic

Traffic is pleased to present FUTURE SHORTS, the global pop up film festival showcasing a single program of original, award-winning short films from around the world. The one-night only festival runs alongside Traffic’s ‘Market of Everything’ (Apr 12 - 21), which brings together members of the community looking to buy, sell, trade or donate anything from furniture, books, music, art, clothes, toys, cars, pets, instruments and more.
Currently held in 150 cities, Future Shorts screenings take place across a huge network of music halls, cinemas, theatres, galleries, clubs and warehouses, providing an alternative to the traditional film festival model. From the creators of the acclaimed Secret Cinema, Future Shorts continues to be a true celebration of cinema as a communicator and community.
The new feature length Spring Programme features classic, cult and award-winning short films that will be screening from March 1st through May 31st 2012. Included is Nash Edgerton’s Cannes and Sundance hit “Bear”, the follow-up to his sensational “Spider”; and the latest short film work from Spike Jonze, among others. The Audience Award will be voted by our global audience and announced on 31st May.
"Bear" - Nash Edgerton
2011, Australia – 11 minutes
Edgerton, who wrote, directed and starred in “Bear”, the sequel to “Spider” (2007), centers around the main character Jack to unfold his tangled relationship and examines whether he’s learned his lesson or not. Described as a black comedy without social commentary, “Bear” is a follow up but also stands alone as it’s own piece. “Because I tend to play things fairly straight and never set things up like it's a drama or a comedy, the audience doesn't know what it's going to be, and something about that really works,” said Edgerton.
"Quadrangle" – Amy Grappell
2010, USA – 20 minutes
An examination of a four-way affair, this documentary explores the story of two “conventional” couples who swap partners and live in a group marriage in the early 1970s. Set in Long Island, New York, this domestic living experiment unravels and challenges and boundaries of social convention, marriage, monogamy and desire. “Inspired by the discovery of my father’s photographs, taken at the height of the poly-amorous affair, and in an effort to come to terms with my own past, I decided to interview my parents. The film does not propose answers and strives to remain objective. It explores two people in a certain time. It tells a story,” said Grappell.
"Mourir Auprès de Toi (To Die By Your Side)” – Spike Jonze and Simon Cahn
2011, France – 6 minutes
Created from 3,000 hand-cut pieces of felt, Jonze’s tragicomic stop-motion animation takes place in an old, Parisian bookshop where at night the covers come to life. It’s the story of a felt skeleton who falls in love with a beautiful and sassy vixen. Co-directed by filmmaker Simon Cahn with designs by Olympia Le-Tan, this Cannes selected short is sweet, sad, spooky and a bit whimsical. Jonze said, “A short is like a sketch. You can have an idea or a feeling and just go and do it.”
“The Arm” - Dir: Brie Larson, Sarah Ramos, Jessie Ennis
2012, USA – 9 minutes
Directed and written by a female trio, "The Arm" tells an up-to-the minute social commentary on teen love in a time of technology. Written over the course of 3 hours on a Greyhound bus from Dallas to Austin, this short centers upon two main characters, Chance and Genevieve, who start a texting relationship only to realise they were never in a relationship at all. At Sundance this year, “The Arm” was acknowledged with a Special Jury Award for Comedic Storytelling.
“L'Homme Sans Tete (The Man Without a Head)” – Juan Solanas
2003, France – 18 minutes
Created over 4 years, Solanas’ short debut is the story of a man who lives alone, head-less, in a room overlooking a vast industrial space. Visually astounding and technically accomplished, this animated short reveals love and happiness and one man’s pursuit for romance amidst life without a head. "We're living in a period where cinema is a product; movies are becoming more and more commercialized. Short films are one of the last real places for artistic freedom - they're important to celebrate just for that," said Solanas

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